Add Your Voice

Let’s come together to build awareness, remove the stigma, and support others like us.

You can help in several ways:

  1. Help build this blog. Offer suggestions to improve this ministry. Let me know of a need that’s common to many of us and share it. Together, we’ll pray about the best way to meet that need in the context of this blog.
  2. Share an expression of love for siblings that don’t have mental illness. If you’re like me, your heart goes out to the other children in the family who receive less of your time…those same children who you love just as much, but who feel they’re lower on your priority list. That’s why I’ve dedicated a page to those children. If you’re creative, feel free to write a love poem to them or about them. If poetry isn’t your thing, write a love letter instead.
  3. Share what you want others to know (about your child who has mental illness or about you).
  4. Share an inspirational message. I’ve posted an example (see the Inspirational Message tab). I’ve combined my love for photography with God’s word to create a picture of encouragement for other moms. Yours doesn’t have to be a photograph. If you feel led to uplift others with your creativity, go for it!
  5. Resources. I’ve begun a list of organizations. If you know of additional resources which will help other moms, let us know.

4 thoughts on “Add Your Voice

  1. Hi, My name is Jan and I am the mother of a handsome, wonderful man who happens to have mental illness. The problem is my son Joshua does not want to be different so he refuses treatment and self medicates. I also happen to live 1400 miles away from him so this brings undue stress. If I didn’t have Jesus to fall back onto I really think that I would walk away sometimes. Josh has had different diagnoses over the years everything from personality disorders, bipolar and possible schizoaffective. He has told me in the past that he hears things but denies it to the doctors. Currently he lives with his grandparents but they are tired of his issues and want him to move. I want to bring him closer to me but can’t have him live with me. I don’t have the room in my one bedroom apartment. Josh’s siblings have basically wiped their hands of him. His sisters refuses to allow Josh to have their phone numbers or addresses. I am so glad to find other Christian moms who deal on a daily basis with children with MI. I work in the mental health field but when it came to church or my Christian family I felt that I was to blame for Josh’s illness. They actually didn’t see it as an illness but that Josh was a bad kid. This caused Josh to walk away and now wants nothing to do with the church. I know that God is in control and he is bigger than the illness. Its nice however to listen and know that I am not alone. Thank you

    • Dear Jan,
      Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had such strong emotions when reading your words. Sorrow for what you’ve been experiencing. Gratitude that you were courageous enough to add your voice (lack of comments to this part of my website has contributed to feelings of isolation, but you’ve helped me feel less alone). I also felt encouraged by your faith. Our paths are very similar (though different in some ways). So, it’s inspiring to hear how another mom walking the same path has been able to keep a focus on the Lord. Yes, God is in control and bigger than the illness. Well said! Thanks again for letting me know my blog has reached you. Posting a message each week is a labor of love. It’s difficult to be transparent enough for people to know I’m really living this journey, but vague enough to protect our son’s dignity.
      May God continue to encourage you, especially when you need it most. And may He guide you in your decisions.
      Together in His grip,

  2. Its been 6 months since my 33 yr old son with MI has been living in my home. He lived with me all of his life and I spent a life time trying to help him get fixed emotionally and spiritually. He snapped on September 4th and pushed me physically into a wall . When my younger son came upstairs when he heard me yelling the MI son started to beat on him terribly punching his face He broke his nose and lip.The younger son is tender hearted and not very strong physically and he always treated his step brother with respect, understanding he was mentally ill. I had to call the police and they arrested him. He found shelter at my mothers house and has been living there in her basement like a hermit in the dark for the last 6 months. We are estranged now both my mother and my son with MI . She is manic depressive and believes I am at fault for all that is wrong with him, and from what I understand he is schizophrenic,though he was never really given that right diagnosis all these years till last June. He is still off of his meds but now self medicates himself with beer and steals his grandmother’s anti anxiety meds. He is a prodigal with MI. Has been for some time. Everywhere I go when I travel I remember a place nearby where I had taken him to get help.I had him to so many places for help over the course of so many years.,help that never came from any doctor all these years since he was a teenager. They either overmedicated him or he would stop his meds. I realize today real help comes when the patient acknowledges they are ill, something he has been in denial about all of these years and still is.
    The younger brother for the first time in his life lives at peace in his home ,without the MI step brother here. He is graduating college in May and will be teaching elementary children for his career.Its time for the younger son to breath, and I pray that all that he has experienced will build his character and help him in his career and life.God is with him.
    And God is with me and has been through all of this. The scriptures were not only jumping off the page while going through the last 6 months of this trauma, but God spoke right to me in my circumstances, Each day was a miracle as He would plant His Word right within my heart and they were very healing and encourging words . After years of reading God and worshipping Him,I found that in His Word everything that we may experience in life is right there between each page .After this I will never feel alone again,If I am to go through any pain, I know God will carry me through it. I have a stronger faith and I hope God will use me to help others who are going through these things. Thanks for the work you are doing here Vicki. Cindy

  3. Dear Cindy,
    Your story stirred such powerful and mixed emotions in me. The facts stunned me, but didn’t surprise me…sounded much like our story. I felt sad. But I also felt inspired and grateful you shared your testimony.
    The account of your experiences sums up life with mental illness (MI). You painted an honest picture of the pain it can cause to the entire family (how it impacted your younger son). And described the HUGE challenges we face…like having a mother who thinks you’re to blame for your son’s MI. Often the misunderstanding of MI comes from those closest to us.
    You faced daunting trials and years of searching for help, a correct diagnosis, and effective treatment. Often to no avail. You endured watching your son beat up your other son.
    After reading the trauma you experienced, you still have an unwavering faith in God. You were able to see His work and hear His Words through it all. What an encouragement to others who visit this site and to those who know you!
    Even though you lived with MI in your family for so many years, you can still praise God. Your words are worth repeating. Other moms will be encouraged to read your words:
    “God is with me and has been through all of this. The scriptures were not only jumping off the page while going through the last 6 months of this trauma, but God spoke right to me in my circumstances; Each day was a miracle as He would plant His Word right within my heart and they were very healing and encouraging words. After years of reading God and worshiping Him, I found that in His Word everything that we may experience in life is right there between each page .After this I will never feel alone again, If I am to go through any pain, I know God will carry me through it. I have a stronger faith.”
    Dear Cindy, God is already using you to help others who are going through these things.
    2 Timothy 4:17 would be a good life verse for you:
    “But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me. (NKJV)”
    Together in His grip,

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